What is Linguistic Justice?

Linguistic justice recognizes and values many forms of diversity, such as race, socioeconomic class, language, nationality, ability, etc. It enables us to challenge English hegemony and Western-centered knowledge, communication, and governance. We become more capable of confronting privilege and colonialism by practicing linguistic justice. Injustice in language silences and vilifies entire communities of people, which serves to perpetuate systemic violence. This injustice includes any mistreatment you may have faced due to linguistic expression. By simply becoming more conscious of the linguistic injustice you’ve encountered, you’re already beginning to understand the value of your unique linguistic experiences. 


The University of Illinois at Chicago’s only undergraduate linguistic justice journal was founded in November 2022 to serve you. Students at UIC come from a diverse background, from international students to Chicago natives. We invite you to share your stories: poetry, art, or even research papers written in your composition class. With your stories, you can help create a community for people to share in their experiences, unlearn their biases, and generate conversation. 

Natali Madrigal

Editor/Content Lead

Ella Rappel

Editor/Engagement Lead

Tylor Andrus

Editor/Design Lead